On Wednesday last week, a local news station, WSB (an ABC affiliate), tweeted that they were looking for people from the Atlanta area heading to the launch. Thanks to a tip from a co-worker's wife (thanks @jillsilco!), I responded to the tweet and sent a quick email saying that I was going to the launch, and on top of that, I was a part of the NASA Tweetup. I ended up going back and forth with one reporter that afternoon, and he said he wanted to talk to me in Florida for sure, and wanted me to bring down some of my memorabilia from the Space Camp Tweetup to share. I (obviously) agreed, and was pretty excited about it. Then Thursday, Jodie Fleischer (another reporter from WSB) called and said she wanted to go ahead and get a pre-launch interview set up. We settled on Friday morning...
Jodie and her cameraman came over to my place at 10:00am yesterday and asked me some questions about when my love of space started (which prompted the baby Alison at Space Camp picture to make an appearance), what I've recently done to further my love of space, and how I felt about the whole tweetup - if I felt any pressure behind it. It was a good question, and there's definitely some lurking pressure there. When you're one of 150 chosen to participate, you'd better step up your game! Good thing I had my iPhone, iPad and wireless battery chargers to support my tweeting ways...
As far as I know right now, my piece will air on Friday, 7/8, during the 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00 news! Jodie is also attending the launch with the crew, so right now we're planning on more interviews both Thursday and Friday in the midst of everything. For those of you that know me, I can't make any promises about not embarrassing you all. I apologize in advance! :)
As soon as I get the link to the web piece, I'll share with you all (of course). Until then, I'll try to plan what I'm going to say in my next interview, but we all know that goes out the window as soon as the camera turns on!
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